Videos backed up

Yesterday I backed up the S3 bucket containing all the videos uploaded to to a different location with a different cloud computing provider. The S3 bucket is stored locally on one of my machines which is not accessible from the internet. With this backup, I would be able to populate a new S3 bucket with the videos that had been uploaded to this point.

The backup occured between 12am-6am EDT (UTC+4) on July 22, 2024, so the backup reflects the videos that were uploaded at that point. In the future, I will consider how often I will do the video backup (a process which took around 7 hours to complete).

This is the first time that I backed up the videos themselves. I already back up the database daily and store my (slightly modified) NGINX configuration file. With these backups, I feel confident that it would be possible to recreate in the unlikely event of a catastrophic failure in which the virtual machine was lost (or I mess up the peertube installation during maintenance) or the S3 bucket containing the videos was corrupted or destroyed.