Update: blog.rankett.net

A few updates were carried out on this blog.

After being suspended from mastodon.art, I decided to recommit myself to using this blog to deliver updates to users of my video-sharing page rankett.net.

A new theme has been loaded, named “cactus”. In the future I may make a fork of this style to change a few things to my liking (such as removing the cactus logo and favicon and including an acknowledgement of the cactus theme and hugo in the footer).

There was a lot of thought over wether to add a comments section to this blog. I had experimented with adding a cactus.chat comments system. However, this system unfortunately has a lack of moderation. I wanted to keep the cactus.chat comments system, but the risk of abuse combined with the difficulty of alleviating such an attack was too much of a concern. The biggest concerns were that it was not possible for me to recieve any sort of notification on a new comment being placed and the lack of a central moderation console. As always, readers are encouraged to contact me via email at webmaster@rankett.net, or on any of my social media accounts.

Please remember to subscribe to the rss feed at https://blog.rankett.net/index.xml to get updates about the rankett platform in your inbox.